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According to scientists, the Sun is pretty big.<ref>E. Miller, The Sun</ref> The Moon, however, is not so big.<ref>R. Smith, "Size of the Moon", Scientific American, 46 (April 1978): 44-6.</ref>

This is an example of multiple references to the same footnote.<ref name="multiple">Remember that when you refer to the same footnote multiple times, the text from the first reference is used.</ref>

Beobachtungen des Weltraumteleskops Hubble ergaben, dass sich die Monde des Uranus dem Planeten nähern.<ref name="Popular Science">Manfred Musterautor: Neue Uranus-Monde. In: Populäre Wissenschaft. Nr. 12, 2005, S. 12–13.</ref><ref group="Anmerkung" name="Musterow" /> Bislang lehnten die Marsianer<ref>Walter Ismeni: Die Marsianer in der Phantasie der Menschen. In: Quarks&Co. 3, 2006.</ref> eine Stellungnahme zu diesem Vorgang ab.<ref name="Popular Science" /> Man kann sogar selbst nach den Marsianern suchen.<ref name="Popular Science" /><ref name="MG">RRZN: MetaGer. Stand 30. April 2006.</ref> <ref group="Anmerkung">Der Sinn dieses Textes ist umstritten. Ebenso das Einbinden von ...</ref>

Such references are particularly useful when citing sources, if different statements come from the same source.<ref name="multiple">This text is superfluous, and won't show up anywhere. We may as well just use an empty tag.</ref>

A concise way to make multiple references is to use empty ref tags, which have a slash at the end. Although this may reduce redundant work, please be aware that if a future editor removes the first reference, this will result in the loss of all references using the empty ref tags.


The Sun is pretty big.<ref name=Note01/><ref group=Literatur name=Lit01/> But the Moon<ref group=Literatur name=Lit02/> is not so big.<ref name=Note02/><ref group=Literatur name=Lit03/> The Sun is also quite hot.<ref name=Note03/>

Weitere Informationen folgen<ref group=sonstiges name=varia01/>

Frank Mayer<ref group=Literatur name=Lit04/>

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1 }}
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Unbekanntes Parsertag „references“


1 }}
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Unbekanntes Parsertag „references“


<references group="Anmerkung"> <ref group="Anmerkung" name="Musterow">Der sowjetische Astronom Sergej Musterow vermutete 1991, diese Hubble-Beobachtungen seien manipuliert, zog diese Bedenken jedoch im Jahr darauf wieder zurück.</ref> </references>


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   | upper-alpha
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   | lower-greek
   | lower-roman = sonstiges
   | #default = decimal}};">
Unbekanntes Parsertag „references“
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